Monday, September 3, 2007

[Movie]High School Musical 2(2007)

The clock outside of East High reads 3:06. It's nearing the end of the school day and the school year. The camera moves through various empty places in East High:Click here to watch the movie now!! the cafeteria, the gymnasium, the auditorium. One place that is not empty is the drama class. Inside, the pompous Ms. Darbus is pedantically droning on about summer, as the clock behind her seems to loom larger and larger. As if to speed things up the students break into "What Time Is It?" all about their expectations for the coming three months.Outside in the hallways the talk is much more grounded. All of the Wildcats are concerned about landing a summer job amidst talk of their other plans. Chad needs to save for a car to take Taylor out. Troy has "gotta make bank" so that he can help pay for his upcoming college education. Meanwhile Sharpay expresses false remorse to Gabriella, anticipating that Gabs will be moving as she's evidently done every summer for the last five years. Gabriella assures Sharpay that she needn't worry as she's staying at East High until graduation. Sharpay is flustered by the news that her competition will still be hanging around.

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